RUCKUS Courses

Course Details

MABS103: MABS for Modular Systems BNC 3.x A:B Compare

Category Name: MABS


This course explores the functionality of the BNC A:B Compare feature.  The A:B Compare feature provides the ability to compare BNC Configuration Archive files between multiple BNC servers.  Students will learn how to perform BNC A:B Compare, analyste the results and define exclusions.

Course Topics

  • Overview
  • Define A:B Repository Criteria
  • Execute A:B Compare
  • Analyste A:B Compare Results
  • Review A:B compare Logs

Course Specifics

Duration: 2 hours
Price: $500 per student
Part Number: TRN-MABS103-001

Additional Delivery Options

Onsite or Virtual session, Instructor Travel and Expenses not included (TRN-MABS103-002)
Onsite session, Domestic North America, Instructor Travel and Expenses (TRN-MABS103-003)
Onsite session, International, Instructor Travel and Expenses (TRN-MABS103-004) 

For pricing, please contact

Sessions for this instructor-led course are created upon request.

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  • Date or dates requested
  • Number of students

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