RUCKUS Networks是构成康普世界领先级网络解决方案的一部分,欢迎您的咨询,了解更多信息。了解更多信息。
React Mobile 随时为您提供帮助,让您轻松确保安全。让世界变得更安全是我们的热情所在,十多年来,我们始终致力于实施员工安全解决方案。与同领域的其他供应商相比,我们的酒店部署业务远胜其他竞争对手,我们的客户中不乏一些全球大型品牌和酒店。我们已经通过了Hilton、Wyndham、Caesars、Sands和Accor等品牌最严格的风险评估程序的审查。我们保证,无论您位于何地,我们的安全平台都将使您符合法律或您品牌的标准。
Keeping Workers Safe, Without High Costs and Complexity
CommScope and REACT Mobile, have joined forces to help protect workers using the Internet of Things (IoT). 借助REACT警报系统和康普的RUCKUS物联网套件,您可以更好地保护您的人员,同时为各种物联网应用构建单一、多功能的基础。
Why RUCKUS Networks?
Worker safety
Keep workers safe using convenient mobile devices that are easy to carry or wear everywhere they go on the property.
Cost savings
Reduce IT complexity and lower costs by supporting alert buttons, Wi-Fi and other hotel services over a single infrastructure.
Build a foundation for ongoing innovation with an IoT platform that lets you quickly, easily add new devices and IoT applications without needing separate overlay networks.
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