RUCKUS Networks是构成康普世界领先级网络解决方案的一部分,欢迎您的咨询,了解更多信息。了解更多信息。
AVE Union
Luxury apartment uplevels resident experience with 300,000-square-foot personal, secure Wi-Fi
AVE Union, a luxury apartment building in New Jersey, sought to extend high-performance Wi-Fi to all residents to improve their working and living experience. To set itself apart from competitors, the property deployed an enterprise-grade RUCKUS® Wi-Fi network. Managed by Intello by TELUS Business, it is based on RUCKUS SmartZone™ network controllers, access points (APs), ICX switches, and Cloudpath® Enrollment System. Cloudpath, which integrates via API with Intello’s own resident portal, enables residents to connect to the network quickly, easily and securely. All residents have VLAN-based personal networks in their apartments, accessible across the 300,000-sq.-ft. property with their own secure password.
- Luxury residential community in New Jersey
- 300,000-sq.-ft. property-wide Wi-Fi network
- Poor Wi-Fi performance for residents
- Inefficient network onboarding
- Limited IT control
- RUCKUS indoor and outdoor access points
- Virtual SmartZone network controller
- ICX 交换
- Cloudpath 注册系统
- Delivers always-on, high-performance Wi-Fi
- Streamlines network onboarding—1,000+ devices onboarded in one weekend with zero helpdesk calls
- Provides a personalized connectivity experience for residents with virtualized personal networks

适用于多住户单元 (MDU) 的 Cloudpath 注册系统

用于 MDU 部署的物联网套件 RUCKUS 托管 Wi-Fi
观看采用物联网套件的 Ruckus 托管 Wi-Fi 的概述视频,此 Wi-Fi 为 MDU 所有者提供了新方法来产生新的租赁收入,同时通过新的智能应用程序减少总体运营支出。
电子书:为何 Cloudpath 注册系统非常适合多住户单元 (MDU)
MDU 居民期望获得最优质的无线网络连接体验,而 Cloudpath® 注册系统可以帮助 IT 团队和托管服务提供商实现这些期望。
通过托管 Wi-Fi 提高投资回报率
托管 Wi-Fi 解决方案可以为 MDU 业主提供可观的收入和投资回报率机会。查看此易于使用的计算器,了解托管 Wi-Fi 如何影响您的业务。