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Created by referendum in 1966, the Naperville, Illinois Park District is an independent municipal agency serving the recreation needs of its residents. The Naperville Park District’s mission is to provide recreation and park experiences that promote healthy lives, healthy minds and a healthy community.
The District maintains and operates more than 2,400 acres with 137 parks and facilities and provides more than 1,500 recreational, arts and environmental programs and special events annually. Included within the District’s operations are two championship golf courses; a multitude of playgrounds, trails, athletic courts and sports fields; Fort Hill Activity Center; Knoch Knolls Nature Center; two inline skating and skateboarding facilities; the Millennium Carillon; a paddleboat quarry; historic Centennial Beach; and the beautiful Riverwalk.
The Challenge
许多公园的无线信号时断时续,甚至没有无线信号。面对休闲和室外设施频繁使用Wi-Fi的需求,园区考虑为其最受欢迎的两个公园Centennial Beach和Rotary Hill部署Wi-Fi。仅第一年,设备和Wi-Fi服务的初始报价为72,000美元。这远远超出了他们的可用资金,主要是因为他们只希望在为期三个月的夏季,即水上设施使用最多的时期,看到约4,000台设备。
- The initial quote for just two parks was much higher than expected, and more than the Park District could pay. They decided to look for solutions that could reduce or offset the cost.
- Expanded the initial deployment from two parks to eight in order to create a critical mass of end users
- Provided a turn key end to end managed Wi-Fi service featuring RUCKUS® indoor and outdoor APs managed by a SmartZone controller
- Implemented an innovative, multi-dimensional advertising model that fully funded the Naperville Park District Wi-Fi and operating costs
- Naperville Park District patrons are able to spend more time at the park since they can stay connected via Wi-Fi
- The service was deployed at no cost to tax payers
- The RUCKUS Wi-Fi can easily be extended via meshing and can also support IP video and other applications
- Powerful Wi-Fi analytics provide new insights to park management to optimize schedule and resource utilization, and to enhance program marketing activities
- Planning on expanding Wi-Fi services to more parks this year