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RUCKUS正在推动Wi-Fi 7变革,您也应该跟上步伐,原因如下
Wi-Fi联盟的新IEEE 802.11be标准定义了Wi-Fi 7,而RUCKUSNetworks则为您的网络定义了一个新水平。针对企业、医疗、教育、大型公共场所和其他环境,Wi-Fi 7是您解锁更高效、更安全、响应速度更快的网络的钥匙。
凭借超高速度、低延迟和更大的容量,Wi-Fi 7可为用户带来卓越的体验,并为全新的先进连接设备和要求苛刻的应用场景提供支持。您是否需要一种方法来管理8K视频流、扩展现实(XR)视频会议、大规模社交游戏等?Wi-Fi 7将是您的理想选择。随着首批支持Wi-Fi 7的企业级设备于2024年投放市场,RUCKUS®将为您带来全新体验。
在Wi-Fi 7时代,RUCKUS将把我们的整个产品组合转变为采用三无线电架构,同时支持2.4 Ghz、5 Ghz和6 Ghz三个频段,以满足新标准要求。Wi-Fi 7的部署将显著提高吞吐量、降低延迟并改善连接可靠性。
Wi-Fi 7是我们一直期待的下一个重大突破。RUCKUS将做好准备,利用Wi-Fi 7解决方案尽可能提升您的网络性能。
Wi-Fi 7的优势
与Wi-Fi 6相比,RUCKUS Wi-Fi 7解决方案凭借更宽的信道和更高的6 GHz容量增益,将大幅提升吞吐量。取得了什么样的成果?峰值速率超过40 Gbps,是Wi-Fi 6吞吐量的四倍。
如果已有用户正在使用部分信道频谱,前导码穿孔技术使Wi-Fi 7 AP能够传输信道的“穿孔”部分。正是该功能使得Wi-Fi 7支持320 Mhz信道带宽(是Wi-Fi 6信道带宽的两倍),且不会因干扰而降低性能。
确定性延迟对于AR和VR此类高级应用场景至关重要,因为这些应用场景不允许有大幅延迟波动。RUCKUS Wi-Fi 7 enhancements including smart QoS mirroring deliver the deterministic latency applications need.
RUCKUS R770 Wi-Fi 7 Access Point
The RUCKUS R770 enterprise-class Wi-Fi 7 access point (AP) uses the advanced capabilities of Wi-Fi 7 coupled with RUCKUS® patented innovations to deliver the best possible performance in highly challenging environments.
The RUCKUS R770 is driven by RUCKUS AI™, a cloud service for network assurance and business intelligence to enhance Wi-Fi 7 network resilience, and enhanced by RUCKUS BeamFlex® technology, a patented smart directional antenna system built into the AP.
有关当今Wi-Fi 7的知识要点
本白皮书探讨了Wi-Fi 7预计将带来的关键技术改进,并对其进行深入分析,探究推动该技术发展的因素以及目前仍未解决的问题。本白皮书专为具有良好的Wi-Fi和802.11/无线工程原理背景的技术工程师编写。
Wi-Fi 7:A gamer-changer for organizations
Wi-Fi 7 offers unparalleled speeds, lower latency, better reliability and a quality of service that eclipses what previous iterations of the wireless technology could offer its users.
Wi-Fi 7 Deep Dive
Discover the transformative potential of Wi-Fi 7 as we dissect its key features, from handling interference to achieving blistering speeds, and beyond. Equip yourself with insights that go beyond the hype.
播客:Getting Excited For Wi-Fi 7
In our latest episode, Jim and John spend time with Bart Giordano, President of NICS and GM of RUCKUS Networks, diving into the upcoming Wi-Fi 7 goodness.
RUCKUS Wi-Fi 7在Mobility Field Day上的展示
网上讲座:了解Wi-Fi 7
下一代Wi-Fi比您想象中来得更快!请和我们一起探讨使Wi-Fi 7落地的关键技术创新,由此实现数千兆位连接和类似有线的性能,从而为消费者带来沉浸式体验,并支持新型应用场景。
Wi-Fi 7 with RUCKUS AI & SmartZone
Learn how to leverage advanced RUCKUS AI and SmartZone features for managing the complex and unique regulations governing Wi-Fi 7 operations in the 6 GHz spectrum band.